DN Agrar Group is the largest integrated zootechnical farm in Romania, with cow milk production and vegetable production. The group operates in the center of Transylvania, in Alba, Sibiu and Hunedoara counties.
Our company is aware of climate change and supports integrated agriculture. In this regard, we use liquid and solid animal manure, resulting from our cattle farms, as an organic fertilizer for the established agricultural crops, the seeds and fodder used, not genetically modified. Improved soil ensures a high quality of cereals and cultivated plants, plants that we use in animal feed. Fertile soil and healthy animals contribute to our goal of becoming a company with integrated agricultural circuit.
At DN Agrar, we carefully adjust the number of animals to the number of hectares of land, this also contributing to the integrated agricultural circuit. We attach great importance to biodiversity. With every investment and decision, we consider the effect on biodiversity. Our goal is to allow Romanian consumers to enjoy the highest quality Romanian milk.